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Store Technology is Becoming a Difficult Choice

August 3, 2016

Ever feel like big brother is watching over you? According to the “Rich Relevance ‘Creepy or Cool?’ Survey”, Seventy- Five Percent did not like the idea of being greeted by name after a store identified the consumer though facial recognition technology. Most consumers do enjoy using fingerprint technology, scanning products, receiving pop up offers, digital coupons, and are open to the idea of projected outfits on changing-room mirrors.

When it comes to facial-recognition technology, it is a stick in the mud. Consumers do not want to be recognized and greeted. Consumers also do not want technology employed providing them with targeted offers. Even though facial-recognition is frowned upon, it could soon be socially acceptable in the future in shopping centers.

“Choose Store Technology Wisely, Report Warns.” Shopping Centers Today Week, Retail Real Estate News. ICSC. N.P. 14 Julye 2016. Web. 03 August 2016.